- Montara Wealth
By C.C. Collins
Be Market Smart Dot Com is like a GPS for your investing and financial planning goals. Whether you are stock investing, online trading mutal funds, or desiring to produce better returns for you IRA,Roth IRA or other retirement plan you will find valuable resources here. These are resources that could, over time, make a significant difference in your investment performance and in your overall lifestyle.
One valuable resource, available as a free download, is a 67 page ebook titled “Your Virtual Financial Advisor”. This ebook is jam-packed full of information about investing, wealth building, and personal finance that will answer many of the questions that the investing public faces concerning winning the investment game and, no doubt about it, this is one game every investor is striving to win.
This ebook is completely FREE to download. There is NO CATCH. You will NOT be required to give out your email address in order to get this valuable resource. It is completely FREE for anyone who would like to read it.
The author only asks that if you personally find it valuable that you email several copies to friends and family members and mention it to your Twitter and Facebook contacts in hopes that others also can better prepare themselves for the financial opportunities and obstacles that will inevitably present themselves.
The book is written by a retired financial services executive, investment strategist and currently a market timing system developer. He has been in the investment arena since the late 70’s having previously been a Registered Investment Advisor and Series 7 Registered Representative stock broker. He has had extensive experience including watching the 1987 market crash firsthand from in front of the screen at his brokerage firm.
Drawing upon his nearly thirty years of experience and thousands of hours of internet research the author is quite literally handing you a bullion bar of golden information saving you the backbreaking work of having to search for and mine the gold yourself.
Rather than to give you alot of hype about what you can expect to find in this ebook, here are some examples of what you will actually discover within its pages once you have downloaded and opend it.
You will learn why buy and hold investing may actually be a roadblock to your success and that active money management coupled with market timing may be tilored made just for you. You will be introduced to market timing resources, wealth accumulation vehicles, specific investment vehicles, supercharging your retirement account, artificial intelligence, multi income technologies, infinite banking concepts, forex robots and much more.
Did any of your investing experiences ever leave you feeling like the market is the predator and you’re its prey? It doesn’t have to be like that. Now you can obtain a roadmap that will lead you to winning the investment battle for survival. Now you can survive, and thrive and above all prosper in any market environment whether it’s bull, bear, boom or bust.
About the Author: The author has been writing online financial articles for over six years. and is owner of
If you desire to significantly improve your investment performance he suggests visiting
for more specific information.
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